Hi, I’m Felipe.

I write and tinker with code to find out how I can make websites and Web Apps better.


I grew up in California and Oregon as part of an entrepreneurial family which instilled a strong curiosity and work ethic from a young age. I've since moved to Florida, where my curiosity continues to thrive, alongside my desire to understand the inner working of websites, code and technology in general.

My favorite color is green. I love being outside, in the sunshine, whether it's at the beach, at a park or in the back yard.

My background in graphic design and writing help to bring a visually pleasing and engaging aesthetic to everything I create or work on. I enjoy new challenges, so if you have a project which could use a fresh perspective, I'd love to hear from you.

Recent Projects


Chuck Norris Joke Generator

This project was created with React and features a joke generator tailored to the Chuck Norris fandom!